Slog2 709 Lut

Since the A7S gamma in Slog2 isn't full range, using the included Slog2+SGamut to Slog2+Rec709 3D LUT is a good starting point. Once converted to Rec709 color with the Slog2 curve, a custom curve can be used in Resolve, then the final look saved as a 3D LUT which can then be loaded into Premiere Pro (real-time effect).

As long as you know how to apply a LUT, you are good to go. Check out all the LUTs included in this package. Hollywood level color grading WITHOUT spending years trying to master grading. C: ProgramData Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve Support LUT Sony. SLog3SGamut3.CineToCine+709.cube, SLog3SGamut3.CineToLC-709.cube, SLog3SGamut3.CineToLC-709TypeA.cube, SLog3SGamut3.CineToSLog2-709.cube there is also a post on sony's forums for what appears to be the same luts but perhaps older version.

Has anyone found something else they really like and recommend? Doom 4 free download. I have use DaVinci to create a LUT and then import it in FCPX. Or I will create correction in Color Finale. Take a look here, they have LUT importer utility and plugins and tutorials. Shirozina wrote: Charles Hull wrote: I'm looking for the best LUTs for the A7RII Slog2 profile.

I found S-log2 to grade very easy with this LUT, I didn't want to add on addtional LUT's or do secondary, as I just wanted a decent 709 look. I am not comfortable yet grading Slog2 more in depth as I am just learning the camera still. Have had it for about a week. No de-noising, no post stabilisation or sharpening was done. Exported into 1080p from the UHD original footage.

My LUT’s are in essence input LUT’s. I don’t know what is going on under the hood of CC 2015, so I’m not sure why the LUT behaviour is different when they are used as input LUT’s or Looks. In theory the behaviour should be the same in both cases. The only thing I can think of is that when used as an input LUT the further adjustments happen after the LUT so are less critical, while if the LUT is used as a look, the corrections are before the LUT where they may be more critical as you are in effect altering the S-log to something other than S-log before it hits the LUT. – time spent on learning grading and setting my alpha a7ii just right is going straight up).

So far I get the best results with Alister Chapman's basic AC_A7S_709_.cube or his AC_A7S_709800.cube. I've tried James Miller's 'Hyde Park' and his other Sony LUTs but they seem too dark and washed out for me. Has anyone found something else they really like and recommend? On A7s S-LOG files forget about LUT's and learn how to use Davinci Resolve. LUT's are OK for a quick way to preview footage but they are generally too crude with 8bit S-LOG footage and or are designed to give you a 'hipster' look. Resolve is quite simply the best grading tool out there for A7s footage as amongst other things it lets you adjust tones just in the luminance ( Y) channel without it effecting the colours which greatly helps in achieving natural looking grades and good skin tones. Even the latest Luminetri colour control in Premier Pro doesn't grade A7s footage very well although you may find that PP is a better editing software but you can 'round trip' between PP and resolve quite easily.

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